Guest Lecture by Dr. Jayant Abhyankar, MD and founder of Sharangdhar Pharmaceuticals in Pune on 22.8.24
Dr. Jayant Abhyankar, MD and founder of Sharangdhar Pharmaceuticals in Pune, delivered a guest lecture on the topic of “Ayurveda & Opportunity in Pharmaceutical Industries” recently at the Suryadatta College of Pharmacy, Healthcare and Research (SCPHR).
It began with the Deeprajwalan and blessings of Dhanvantari, the Goddess of Medicine.
Sharangdhar is a prominent hub for the production of specialist herbal items, the provision of Ayurveda education, and the manufacturing of Ayurvedic medicines.
A trained practitioner of Ayurveda for a lifetime, Dr. Jayant Abhyankar has knowledge of both the production and application of traditional Ayurvedic remedies.
He lectured to SCPHR staff members and students about a variety of Ayurvedic medicine-related issues. The lecture was jam-packed with insightful information about the history of Ayurveda, the physiological significance of Ayurvedic medicines, manufacturing and testing of different Ayurvedic medicine formulations, Ayurvedic product licensing issues, and various business opportunities related to the manufacturing and sales of Ayurvedic products. In order to address the intriguing reservations that the SCPHR personnel and students had regarding Ayurveda’s application to health and therapy, he also spoke with them.
For students of second year of B. Pharm and final year of D. Pharm his session has proven a boost to develop business skills. His expertise has directed students to plan towards their entrepreneurial journey.
The program’s mainstays were second-year pharmacy students Ms. Anchal Tripathi and Mr. Prathmesh Lokhande.
The program was organized under the direction of Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya, the visionary Chairman of the Suryadatta Education Foundation. The workshop was put on by SCPHR’s T&P advisor, Mr. Prasanna Patil. Asma Mokashi, the coordinator, oversaw the initiative. The session was led by Principal Dr. H. K. Jain, who also gave a vote of gratitude. All of the SCPHR staff members and students were present for the session.
Guest Lecture by Mr. Dinesh Khivasara, Assistant Commissioner, FDA Pune on 3.8.24
Recently Suryadatta College of Pharmacy, Healthcare and Research (SCPHR) hosted a guest lecture by Mr. Dinesh Khivasara, Assistant Commissioner, FDA Pune, on the subject of “FDA statutes and code of conduct.”
With the blessings of the Goddess of Medicine, Dhanvantari, the program was launched. The curriculum’s aim was to educate students about FDA regulations and best practices for pharmacies. Students and staff were given guidance by Mr. Dinesh Khivasara regarding the objectives of the FDA, the D&C act 1940 and rules 1945, the Drug Price Control order, the Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic substances act 1985, the Pharmacy Act 1956, the Drug and Magic Remedies act 1954, and the Code of Ethics in Pharmacy.
In addition, he provided advice on pharmacy licenses, how to display medications in a store, medicine classifications, the best way to write a prescription for schedule X and schedule H medications, and how to store medications.
The seminar was packed with useful information to deal with the pharmacy practices that are currently prevalent in the Indian pharmaceutical trade. Second year diploma students of SCPHR were highly benefited through his guidance as the content of his lecture was directly correlated with their syllabus.
Ms. Anchal Tripathi and Mr. Prathmesh Lokhande, second-year pharmacy students, functioned as the program’s anchors.
Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya, the visionary Chairman of the Suryadatta Education Foundation, guided the program’s organization. Mr. Prasanna Patil, the T&P advisor for SCPHR, arranged the session. The program was coordinated by Mrs. Asma Mokashi. Principal Dr H. K. Jain directed the session and presented a vote of thanks. For the session, every member of the SCPHR staff and student was in attendance.
Women Empowerment for Guest Lecture on 29.8.24
Recently Ms. Kanchan Yadav, Trainer, Brandtouch & Analytics Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, presented a training and guest lecture at the Suryadatta College of Pharmacy, Healthcare and Research (SCPHR) and the Suryadatta Institute of Health Science College of Physiotherapy (SIHS) of. The topic of the lecture was “Personality Development and Menstrual Hygiene.”
Mumbai-based Brandtouch & Analytics Pvt. Ltd. is in handling Whisper’s branding and promotion.
During her talk, Ms. Kanchan Yadav, a young trainer, covered a range of personality development topics, including self-care, confidence, presenting, and communication skills. She also discussed many modern methods of menstruation health and how to deal with menstrual cleanliness. She gave an audio-visual lecture on menstrual hygiene and personality development.
The session was informative and which have assisted our female students and staff in boosting their personality and self confidence.
Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya, the inspirational Chairman of the Suryadatta Education Foundation, directed the program’s organization. Dr. Seemi Retharekar, Principal of SIHS College of Physiotherapy, supervised the session. The coordinators of the work were Mrs. Asma Mokashi (SCPHR) and Dr. Amrita Tomar (SIHS). The program was jointly organized SCPHR and SIHS College of Physiotherapy.
All of the SCPHR and SIHS College of Physiotherapy female staff members and students were present for the session.

(From left to right) Mrs. Asma Mokashi, faculty SCPHR; Dr. Amrita Tomar, faculty SIHS, felicitation Ms. Kanchan Yadav, Trainer, Brandtouch & Analytics Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai; Dr. Seemi Retharekar, Principal SIHS; Dr. Seema Pattewar, faculty SCPHR.
Suryadatta College of Pharmacy, Healthcare and Research (SCPHR) hosted a guest lecture by Mr. Dinesh Khivasara, Assistant Commissioner, FDA Pune, on the subject of “FDA statutes and code of conduct.”
With the blessings of the Goddess of Medicine, Dhanvantari, the program was launched. The curriculum’s aim was to educate students about FDA regulations and best practices for pharmacies.
Students and staff were given guidance by Mr. Dinesh Khivasara regarding the objectives of the FDA, the D&C act 1940 and rules 1945, the Drug Price Control order, the Narcotic drugs and Psychotropic substances act 1985, the Pharmacy Act 1956, the Drug and Magic Remedies act 1954, and the Code of Ethics in Pharmacy.
In addition, he provided advice on pharmacy licenses, how to display medications in a store, medicine classifications, the best way to write a prescription for schedule X and schedule H medications, and how to store medications.
Prof. Dr. Sanjay B. Chordiya, Founder President and Chairman : Suryadatta Education Foundation, & Mr. Prasanna Patil Training & Placement advisor for SCPHR felicitated Mr. Dinesh Khivasara, Assistant Commissioner, FDA Pune during his visit to campus.