Dr. Manisha Kumbhar
Dr. Manisha Kumbhar has completed MCA, MBA and Ph.D and has total 22 years of experience including Industry and teaching experience. She is a Ph.D. guide at SPPU in the subject of Computer Management. She has authored three books and has 48 research papers published at International as well as National journals and Conference Proceedings and has completed one research project funded by UNESCO – Ministry of HR Dept. – Govt. of India. She has recoved various awards in academics and is involved in various SPPU activities like syllabus orientation program, chairman and moderator of various subjects, chairman of MCA industrial projects etc. She has worked as an ‘Editorial Board Members’ for International Journals, Project Reviewer of AIMS International Summer Internship Competition. She has also served as Consultant (Project Management) at Softbridge Solutions Pvt. Ltd. She has arranged and coordinated many seminars, conferences sanctioned and funded by AICTE, SPPU under QIP.